National Repository of Grey Literature 31 records found  1 - 10nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Blood pressure meter
Průdek, Ctirad ; Sekora, Jiří (referee) ; Čech, Petr (advisor)
In my master's tehsis I'm dealin with the methods used for non-invasive blood pressure measurement. For realization of a virtual blood pressure meter in LabVEW I have chosen the oscillometric method. Algorithm determining systolic and diastolic blood pressure is based on the relatively easy detection of maximum amplitude oscillations (corresponds with a mean arterial pressure), when thelimiting valuesof blood pressure are in a specific ratio with a maximum amplitude of oscillation. In LabVIEW was solved loading of signal from the measure card and processing pressure curve into a form suitable for the detection of the peak oscillations. The program calculates the limits of arterial pressure and mean heart rate too. Linking the virtual device with the blood pressure sensor Vernier BPS-BTA then makes up komplex for capturing the blood pressure via oscillatory method.
Optimized manufacturing of aluminium castings by using lost wax technology
Talanda, Ivan ; Horenský, Jiří (referee) ; Horáček, Milan (advisor)
Aim of this diploma thesis is to choose new pattern wax for Fimes a.s. foundry. New wax should substitute old not fully satisfactory pattern wax which caused problems in technological process resulting in increased number of rejects. New pattern wax should eliminate current problems and help foundry with producing large, thin-walled, high-quality castings. Numbers of pattern waxes supplied by world’s leading wax manufacturers were subjected to laboratory tests and pilot study. This diploma thesis is part of project Alfa TA01010766: „Research and development of production technology large, thin and high quality castings of aluminium alloys “
Design of Oscillating Spindle Sander
Jun, Michal ; Řezníček, Svatopluk (referee) ; Rubínová, Dana (advisor)
The subject of this bachelor thesis is a design of tabletop oscilating spindle sander. The main goal is to design a tool, which will be robust and reliable and at the same time esthetically interesting. The sander will allow its user to have all the accessories straight on the sander. The thesis is based on an analysis of the current market considering needs of target group. Ergonomic and technical requirements are taken into account too. The final product is intended for home use and commercial use as well.
Audio Pre-Amplifier for Laboratory Measurements
Friml, Vilém ; Hanák, Pavel (referee) ; Kratochvíl, Tomáš (advisor)
This thesis deals with a design of audio pre-amplifier with fixed frequency filters and a choice between amplification using integrated circuits and solidstate circuit. The thesis includes a design of attenuation circuit, an amplifier with an integrated circuit, an amplifier with transistors, a RIAA filter, a speech filter, a physiological filter, a rock preset filter and a power supply circuit. The thesis describes design of the circuit board, solution of oscillations of the amplifier with transistors and a measurement of the constructed device. The aim of the thesis is the design and construction of laboratory equipment.
Reological properties of cement pastes modified by amorphous SiO2
Zimmermann, Štěpán ; Rovnaník, Pavel (referee) ; Vyšvařil, Martin (advisor)
The subject of this thesis are the rheological properties of cement paste with the addition of amorphous silicon dioxide. The basic rheological parameters are that describe the behavior of cement pastes in the fresh state. The work also included rheological tests including measurement principle and method of evaluation. Effect of mineral admixtures with high content of amorphous SiO2 is summarized the available scientific articles. In the experimental part, the effects of impurities with a high content of amorphous SiO2 on the rheological properties of fresh cement paste. It was tested by substitution of up to 10 % by weight of cement in the cement pastes mineral admixtures of different chemical composition, particle size and pozzolanic activity. Flow measurement was measured yield value, viscosity, and flow index. The stability of cement pastes was investigated oscillatory measurements. To complement the behavior pastes in the fresh state was determined by calorimetry. Test results were compared with those determined by reference samples and compared the effect of various ingredients.
Rheology of hyaluronane solutions
Hlisnikovská, Kristýna ; Soukupová, Lenka (referee) ; Pekař, Miloslav (advisor)
Předmětem tohoto studia bylo prozkoumat reologické chování vodných roztoků vysokomolekulárního hyaluronanu. Byl studován vliv zvyšující se koncentrace biopolymeru v roztoku, která se pohybovala v rozmezí od 1 do 3 hmotnostních procent, a také vliv vzrůstající iontové síly rozpouštědla, způsobené přídavkem chloridu sodného, na viskoelasticitu a stabilitu těchto roztoků. Pro obsáhlejší popis viskoelasických vlastností roztoků byla použita, vedle běžných oscilačních měření, také metoda ceepových testů, ze které bylo možno určit důležité veličity, jako je procentuální poměr viskozní a elastické složky vzorku, rovnovážná poddajnost, viskozita při nulovém smykovém napětí a retardační čas. Ty byly následně porovnávány s výstupy z jiných typů měření, jako jsou právě oscilační a tokové křivky, nebo nesly dopňující informace důležité pro detailnější popis viskoelastických vlastností těchto roztoků. Ke studiu stability vzorků během namáhání pak byla použita metoda peak-hold, která ukázala na velmi dobou mechanickou i časovou odolnost roztoků hyaluronanu a naznačila hranice, za kterými už dochází k trvalému poškození struktury a degradaci řetězců hyaluronanu a je s němi proto potřeba při manipulaci s roztoky tohoto biopolymeru pro jejich další použití v aplikacích počítat.
Study of CO oxidation on platinum by UHV-SEM
Jaroš, Antonín ; Kolíbal, Miroslav (referee) ; Bábor, Petr (advisor)
This bachelor’s thesis is focused on the study of heterogeneous catalytic oxidation of CO on the surface of platinum, but also in the confined space between platinum and graphene. The thesis is separated into two parts – theoretical and experimental. In the theoretical part, there is a general explanation of important principles regarding this thesis, such as the stucture of scanning electron microscope, growth of graphene, evolution of the catalytic oxidation of CO and oscillatory mode of this reaction, and lastly evolution of the same reaction under the graphene. The experimental part is chronologically concerned about individual tasks of bachelor’s thesis.
Oscillatory Power Generator Base on Mechanical Resonant Element
Mihalík, Vlastimil ; Houška, Pavel (referee) ; Hadaš, Zdeněk (advisor)
This work deals with the power supply of wireless sensors. When using a wireless sensor is desirable application of alternative energy sources, because the primary cells or batteries may reduce the extent or length of service of the sensor itself. Ambient energy can be used as a suitable alternative source. This energy must be in an appropriate form, which allows its conversion to electric energy. These appropriate, already used types include: solar en., temperature gradient en., en. of flowing liquids, vibration, etc. The advantage of vibrations is its presence in almost all mechanical systems. One of the possibilities for using the vibration of machine systems for power supply wireless sensors is using the vibration power generator with oscillating component. The generator must be designed so that its resonance frequency coincides with the frequency of vibration in the machine system. This method can be used only if the machinery system vibrations at least partially constant. Another option is to use the vibrations caused by, for example, transit transport, or different step acting factor. In this case, it is desirable that the generator is designed with variable resonant frequency, which can partly be achieved, for example, integrating several oscillating component in the body of generator. After the general analysis of the problem, graduation theses will be concerned with the possibility of use of energy from the short damped oscillation and step impulse. Focusing on a proposal of multi-element structures.
Oscillation of plural forms in English nouns
Some English nouns borrowed from other languages retain the foreign (irregular) plural form, while a definite one is possible. Grammar books merely note this possible oscillation in plural formation but do not indicate which form prevails in the present language or to what extent the plural form depends on the context and genre of speech. Thus, this thesis will analyze the use of plural forms in contemporary language for selected nouns using corpus tools and evaluate the resulting tendencies. The thesis will include a search for how grammar handbooks describe the topic, and, on this basis, this thesis will define a sample of nouns for subsequent analysis. My will is to retrieve individual nouns from the sample from a synchronic English corpus and determine the frequencies of each form, depending on the genre of the source. I will then evaluate the resulting tendencies.
Study of catalytic reaction waves by SIMS
Jaroš, Antonín ; Willinger, Marc Georg (referee) ; Bábor, Petr (advisor)
Katalytické reakce jsou klíčové pro mnoho technologických oblastí. Abychom docílili jejich zlepšení, je potřeba porozumět jejich mechanismu, k čemuž je důležité vyvíjet nové in-operando techniky. Operando spektroskopie jsou obecně rozděleny do dvou kategorií: velkoplošné techniky, které poskytují zprůměrované informace z celé analyzované oblasti, přičemž nemusí zaznamenat signál z důležitých aktivních míst, a lokalizované techniky, které poskytují informace na atomární úrovni, ovšem nemusí relevantní aktivní místa obsahovat vůbec. V této práci je demonstrováno, že hmotnostní spektrometrie sekundárních iontů je bezprecedentní způsob, jak v reálném čase sledovat oscilační vlny během oxidace CO, poskytující mikro-spektroskopická data, která jsou klíčová pro rozluštění složitého katalytického mechanismu. Ukazuje se, že v nízkých tlacích jsou reakční vlny tvořeny střídajícími se vlnami oxidu platiny a adsorbovaného oxidu uhelnatého. Mechanismus reakce spočívá v redukci oxidu pomocí CO. Navíc jsou oxid platiny a CO adsorbáty nehomogenně rozloženy napříč vln, což je nejvíce patrné na reakční vlnoploše.

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